Monday, December 10, 2007

And yet...

I'm feeling mostly human again, and yet, I apparently have nothing of interest to say here. It was cold and snowy for a couple days, and now it's cold and rainy. The snow melt plus the constant rains have made quite a mess.

The chickens wanted nothing to do with the snow, and stayed in the barn for about 48 hours straight. They've also decided that it's pretty much too miserable to lay eggs. At the end of summer we were getting upwards of 15 eggs a day. Now we're down to about three a day.

A wandering cat has adopted us. Our neighbors were (and perhaps still are) feeding it, and named it Kiki. But his heart is apparently with us. Or at least the warm soft hay in our barn. He's very friendly, and I've got no problem whatsoever with a cat in the barn. The mice and rats seem to have moved on. Thanks Kiki.

I planted some sunchokes over the weekend, as well as a few dozen trees. Well, okay, I buried some apples that were way past their prime, some hazelnuts, pecans, and walnuts from a bag of mixed nuts, some acorns and a chestnut that e5 collected from various places, and some apricot pits from somewhere or another. I'll be shocked if they amount to anything - especially the mixed nuts and apricots since they are from parts unknown. But what the heck...

Other than that, we're mostly just hunkering down and waiting for some non-icky weather. Maybe I'll have some good stories by springtime!

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At 12/10/2007 8:04 PM, Blogger JBTW said...

I wish you a boring & humdrum winter (even if that means no fun stories), cause the alternative could be stories of misery & gloom (I don't wish that for you).

At 12/10/2007 9:01 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

LOL! Glad to know that you planted seeds and nuts instead of grown trees like I was imagining! That sounded like too much work in the rain and cold!

At 12/10/2007 9:09 PM, Blogger e4 said...

Jess - yeah, I'm all for humdrum at this point. It was a crazy fall.

Lisa - Well, I'm a desperate gardener, what can I say? I had to scuttle my fall garden plans - actually all kinds of plans. So at this point I'm actually willing to go out in the cold gray muck and get wet and dirty. :)

At 12/10/2007 10:18 PM, Blogger Morgan said...

Yeah you are boring me


At 12/14/2007 11:56 AM, Blogger orneryswife said...

Here's to an uneventful winter your way. Ours is apparently slated to entertain, so stay tuned! We won't lack for stories at Miller Manor!

I hope your trees grow for you. After all the downed branches here, I would imagine the nursery business will be hopping next spring!

Happy weekend!

At 12/18/2007 12:14 AM, Blogger e4 said...

Love you too Morgan! :P

Chile - I have to link to two different articles by Gene Logsdon. One was what inspired me to do my "tree" planting, and the other deals with what tree acorns come from.

OW - Glad you didn't get too beat up by Mother Nature. The year before we moved here, our neighbors were without power for two weeks after a big ice storm...

At 12/18/2007 8:16 AM, Blogger e4 said...

Well yeah, I didn't actually think you didn't know. It was just an odd coincidence that made me think of your post. :)


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